Reading Response 8:
Conditional Design

Question 1

In the reading, "Conditional Design", they introduce their Manifesto, stating: "Our work focuses on processes rather than products: things that adapt to their environment, emphazie change and show difference...[W]e want to introduce Conditional Design as a term that refers to our approach rather than our chosen media,". In relation to designing mobile interfaces/websites, how can a designer use this framework outlined and approach designing code in a more broad sense? Can the environments created within websites extend and bleed into a more tangible space that allows users to interactivity?

Question 2

The Conditional Design Manifesto describes several key elements: process, logic, and input. Does Manifesto's approach to design have any gaps within its guidelines? How could the Manifesto implement a metric to measure an artist's application of logic or input to provide clearer guidence as to an design's effectiveness?