Reading Response 12:
Relational Aesthetics

Question 1

As cities developed and became widespread, art also changed: "What is collapsing before our very eyes is nothing other than this falsely aristocratic conception of the arrangement of works of art, associated with the feeling of territorial acquisition,"." Considering this statement in mind, the ease of access to the internet is revoluntionary for society and individuals. How does this freedom contribute to the well-being of society?

Question 2

The author introduces an interesting perspective on form, stating: "In order to create a world, this encounter must be a lasting one: the elements forming it must be joined together in a form, in other words, there must have been "a setting of elements on one another". When creating a webpage, designers are often forming their own mini worlds within the context of the ever-expanding internet. However, does a successful webpage need to interconnect all the elements within that world? Is it important for artist/designer to think about the limitations that will exist in their world as well?